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Helpful Tips on How to Pass the UFE 2013!
Preparing for an intellectual, case-writing and critical-thinking marathon like the UFE is hard. That’s why you need to develop the strength to push yourself through the three-day challenge and across the finish line ahead of your competition!
So how do you prepare for this marathon? By building your UFE muscles. You need to make sure your brain is trained to withstand the pressure of time constraints and that your memory responds to every attempt at recalling your technical knowledge.
Successful studying involves addressing your weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths. However, you also need to be realistic and understand that preparing for the UFE is not something you can do in two days. Effective preparation takes time. It’s a lot like building muscle mass; it’s impossible to do over night, but a few months of disciplined and persistent training can do wonders.
We are eager to share with you our knowledge and expertise. Here are a few tips to get you started preparing for your marathon:
Tip #1: Understand your strengths and weaknesses
Whether a new or experienced writer, we strongly recommend submitting one or two simulations to a seasoned marker and arranging for a one-on-one consultation session in May. This will help you to recognize and more deeply understand your strengths and weaknesses early on in the preparation process.
If you are an experienced writer, you absolutely must get your PAR reviewed by a professional marker. We strongly discourage you from solely relying on a self-analysis of your PAR. Depend on professionals who are capable of providing you with an estimate of your ranking on the UFE. Also, our experienced markers will help you create a personalized study plan that will offer a range of simulations to give you opportunities to train your weaker areas. For instance, if you are spending too much time on quantitative analysis, your mentor will suggest practice simulations that include more quantitative analysis and coach you on how to approach various quantitative indicators. We strongly urge you to not wait until August; by then, it may be too late to improve your case writing skills. Remember, it takes time to train your muscles, whether it’s your biceps, triceps or brain muscle!
Tip #2: Come up with a plan
UFE Repeat Writer
If you’re a repeat writer we strongly encourage you to re-evaluate your study strategy. If you have taken a preparation course in the past, consider whether personalized tutoring and marking would be a better option this year.
Make professional UFE tutoring a part of your journey
If you’re a new writer, we recommend that you take a preparation course in combination with personalized tutoring and marking. Private tutoring and marking offers multiple benefits to candidates. Professionals with UFE and provincial institute exam marking experience will mark your papers and provide valuable feedback, which will help you assess your own performance. A professional marker is able to identify exactly what you need to do to pass the UFE. In fact, with an experienced marker, you don’t need to worry if you don’t have a study buddy. You will receive better feedback by submitting your simulations to a professional marker than you would to a fellow candidate. In addition, one-on-one discussions with your mentor that assess your performance is an effective stress management technique. Your personal coach is also able to track your performance and compare it to other candidates. This will help you to stay on the right track during your preparation. Most importantly, it will give you confidence that you are on the right track and will stop you from falling victim to a lethal panic.
Tip #3: Create time and come up with a budget
Find a professional UFE Marker!
Ensure that you make the necessary arrangements with your employer so that you have sufficient time to properly prepare for the UFE. It is recommended that you not work during August as the challenge of studying and writing the UFE requires you to be mentally and physically energetic and alert. Remember, building muscles means having the time and energy to go to the gym and work out.
Make a budget as to how to finance your extra help. We find a long-term relationship with a marker and mentor to be far much more beneficial than sporadically submitting work to be marked. An investment in your preparation is a sure path to success.
If possible, plan a short getaway towards the end of July. It’s a good idea to clear your mind and relax before the key study period begins in August.
Tip #4: Review your technical
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Make sure that you are comfortable with your technical knowledge before August. Do not leave this element of your preparation until then. Of course, we strongly advise you to have a solid grip on the technical rules to ensure you are capable of providing in-depth discussions, but you want to use August to perfect your case-writing skills and not for acquiring technical knowledge. Your coach will help you to stay on track and confirm that your knowledge base is adequate.