When we communicate with our colleagues, teachers or students we often do so on autopilot, out of necessity. In the day-to-day routine, it is easy to forget that the effective use of open channels of communication can lead to both individual and team success. The question is, how best to turn day-to-day communication into a positive experience aimed at maximum results? That’s exactly the question you should be answering in a training session aimed at helping your students communicate better. Here is a basic course outline of a course, that is suggested by Alla Volodina (York University) that would be helpful to any university students or a new employee!


  • Understand your audience by identifying and reading the subtle cues of body language
  • Review the do’s and don’ts of body language to become a more credible and effective communicator
  • Understand the power of the smile! Smiling is the secret to communication success in any situation


  • Understand the concept of “mirroring” and the science behind it
  • Use sincere praise and paraphrasing as a communication building block
  • Apply the “Socrates’ Secret” to open a dialogue with even the toughest opponent
  • Establish rapport and deepen existing relationships by engaging in empathetic listening
  • Scenario in Action: Exercise to encourage participants to adapt to a range of divergent personalities in role-playing scenarios provided by the instructor


  • How to listen and learn from others, engaging in a genuine conversation
  • Techniques to encourage open communication between staff and management
  • Use genuine conversation techniques to determine the best way forward in conflict resolution
  • Scenario in Action: analyze a case illustrating how a typical workplace conflict can be effectively resolved using the techniques learned in this workshop


  • Develop interpersonal skills and confidence to communicate with conviction
  • Structure communication to simultaneously influence others while carefully considering their needs
  • To persuade or be persuaded – mastering the everyday techniques of persuasion
  • Tailor communication to appeal to different personalities using the DiSC profile ©
  • Taking Stock: Participants should complete a self-assessment using the DiSC profile © prior to the start of the workshop. In this exercise, participants learn how to adapt their communication to the four personality types


  • Create engaging and energizing presentations
  • Overcome a fear of public speaking and learn invaluable practical skills to enable you to deliver a high-impact message
  • Tailor content and style to a specific target audience
  • Taking Stock: In a welcoming and encouraging environment, participants are asked to prepare and deliver a presentation, they will also receive feedback from the instructor and their colleagues

Alla Volodina teaches at York University and shares her ideas on training, course outlines and other educational topics.