The 2012 UFE is tomorrow so, here at exaMENTOR, things are starting to wind down for us for one more season. This has been our busiest year so far and we could not have grown without you: the candidates who have signed up for and used our services.
It’s been a pleasure working with you all this year. It’s so encouraging to see candidates we are mentoring improving over the course of the season and seeing it ‘click’ in your papers in the last couple of weeks before the UFE. Thank you for making our work so rewarding. And thank you for telling your friends – it’s always nice to hear that someone has been happy with our business and passed our information on, and many of you have done this in 2012.
Finally, and most importantly – good luck this week! Remember to keep your cool, and that you’ll get through this. It will be three difficult days, but the reward of the CA designation at the end of all of it is well worth the effort, and we know you all have it in you to make it through. Leave yourself lots of time to get to the writing centre, and take it easy Tuesday and Wednesday nights – you have Thursday night and the weekend to look forward to! You can do it – best of luck!
The exaMENTOR team