
Working with exaMENTOR is easy!

Just follow these steps…

Step 1.

Save your simulation using our naming convention:

UFE: YYYY [Day in roman numerals] [sim #] – Your Name i.e. 2009 I John Smith, 2009 II-3 Fatima D’Souza

SOA: YYYY [Exam]#Q#]  – Your Name i.e. 2009M1Q2 or 2009F1<em >*

Other sims (CASB, purchased sims, etc): Use the provider’s name followed by the simulation name and your name.


Step 2.

Submit your papers to

Note in the subject line the paper number using the name convention above, followed by the question’s title (i.e. “2008-I Recyclo”).

We cannot guarantee our turnaround time commitment will be met if files are incorrectly labelled


Step 3.

Your paper will be returned to you within 3 business days.

Email us if you have any follow-up questions (just hit ‘reply’ on the email you received with your marked paper)

*For mock exams the format is YYYYM#Q# (comps are simply YYYYM#).  For Final exams the format is YYYYF1 for the comp and YYYYF2Q# for the multis. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will mark my papers?

exaMENTOR’s owners and our team of experienced markers are all involved in marking your papers. In order to provide you with the best quality and quickest turnaround, each marker is assigned as a “simulation expert.” This means the same marker will be responsible for a simulation throughout the season – allowing them to become familiar with common weaknesses and to provide you with consistent and knowledgeable feedback.  Over the course of the season, depending on how many papers you submit, it is likely each of us will mark at least one of your papers.  All of our markers have experience marking either the UFE or with one of the provincial programs.

What should I expect, and what should I not expect, from a marked paper?

Your paper is reviewed by the marker who provides comments directly on what you’ve written in your paper (both Word and Excel).  The marker will also provide summary comments in a ‘grid’ to show how they feel you performed with respect to each of the issues under each of the indicators in the evaluation guide. This will show the marker’s judgment on how you scored on the indicator, as well as what you can do to improve.

Remember that the UFE is your responsibility – we will not be in the writing centre with you – so our role is to guide you on how to improve your writing or your knowledge, but not to write your paper for you.  We will provide direction on how to take your attempts and turn them into passing papers.  We will help explain to you what you can do to move up to the next level – remember that you will never be able to move straight from an NC to a C, you need to work to score that RC first, and only then can you start to focus on getting to the C.

Finally, remember that you need to be able to use the handbook and Act while writing the exam – we can’t give you all the answers because this will not help you pass the exam!  We will happily provide advice on how and when to use reference materials, and provide some general direction on where to find the technical answers you need, but you need to be comfortable with reading the materials directly yourself so ensure your technical review involves going to the handbook first!

What if I get conflicting advice from different markers?

Our philosophy is that different things work for different people. We each provide suggestions and advice that we think will be effective for you based on the specific paper you submit. Our overriding suggestion is that if your current approach isn’t quite working for you; try each suggestion given to you, even if it feels uncomfortable. Try it twice – once you’ve done that, you’ll have a better idea as to whether or not it’s an approach that will work for you and you can decide whether to continue, or try a different approach.

I am a first-time writer planning to write the 2013 UFE, is there a prep course that I should take?

Our individual services for first-time candidates are intended to be supplementary to prep courses and provincial exam qualification programs. Private prep programs will help you prepare to write the UFE — the vast majority of UFE candidates will have attended a prep course and we strongly recommend that all candidates attend one (please see our website for links to available courses). Having your practice exams professionally marked will help you get the specific feedback on exam-writing techniques that is necessary over and above a prep course.

What papers will you mark, and do you provide them to me?

Due to copyright restrictions, we cannot provide simulations directly to you. However, your institute/ordre provides you, as a CA or CPA, CA student, with access to previous years’ simulations and questions through their websites.  UFE simulations are found in the UFE report, and we will mark simulations found in UFE reports from 2005 to 2012 (inclusive).

If you are interested in having questions from provincial programs (SOA, CASB, ASCA) marked, we will mark previous years’ questions as far back as 2010 (inclusive). Please include a copy of the question and evaluation guide in your submission to ensure we are working from the same materials, as there are sometimes multiple versions of similar provincial questions.  We will not mark current year materials as these are your responsibility to prepare and submit to your program.

We also mark current-year simulations you purchase directly from prep courses such as Densmore Consulting Services.  To ensure copyright protection, please email your mentor or to confirm that you have purchased these materials from the third party before you submit your paper.

Is there a maximum or minimum number of papers that I can get marked?

No, there is no maximum or minimum number of papers that you can get marked. Unless you choose one of our “early bird” packages (see below under “how often will I pay exaMENTOR”), you do not need to commit to a specific number of papers. Some candidates like to have one paper marked per week (or month), some prefer to have them all marked – it all depends on what you feel you need.

When will my paper be marked?

Your paper will be marked within “three business days” – this excludes weekends and statutory holidays (including the August Civic Holiday and Labour Day) and we commit to returning your paper by 11:59PM (Eastern Time) on the third business day following your submission.  For example, in a non-holiday week, papers received at any time on Monday are due back to you at 11:59PM on Thursday, and papers received at any time on Thursday are due at 11:59PM Tuesday.

That said, this is our final deadline – we make every effort to return your paper to you much sooner than this, and you will likely receive your paper back the next day or the day after.  Unfortunately, we cannot offer special treatment and papers are marked by our markers in the order received.  Since each paper is marked by a different marker, you may receive marked papers out of order, but you will receive them all within the deadline.

If you are looking for quicker turnaround, we have some fixed-submission-date packages (see below) that may be useful to you.

Please note that we accept submissions up to and including the Wednesday before the UFE is written (September 4, 2013). Papers submitted on this day will be returned to you by 11:59PM Saturday (this is the only exception to our weekday deadlines).  UFE papers submitted after this will not be marked.

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept payment via cheque, Interac e-Transfer (not card payment), or money order.  Credit cards accepted only via PayPal and subject to a 3% surcharge.  Please wait to receive our invoice before submitting payment.


How often will I pay exaMENTOR?

exaMENTOR will send an invoice via email according to the schedule below. Our rates are $45 per multi-competency simulation (“multi”), $90 per comprehensive simulation (“comp”), $90 per hour of one-on-one coaching sessions, and $200 for a PAR review.  All amounts are “post-pay” – we invoice only after the service has been performed; if there is nothing to invoice in the period, you will not hear from us.

January 1 February 1 March 1
April 1 May 1 Day 2 of Ontario SOA final exam (June 26, 2013)
August 1 Day 3 of UFE

We also offer several pre-pay only “early bird” packages: Three-in-One, Two-in-One, SOAr, Competence-Builder and Plenty-of-Papers. Visit the Packages page on our website for more information. Only one package per candidate is allowed,